Big news!!! I'm thrilled to announce my books are now represented by Eva Scalzo of Speilburg Literary Agency.
In fact, I am...DOUBLE agented! Eva will be taking charge of my romance and psychological suspense books and I continue to be represented by Naomi Davis of BookEnds Literary for my fantasy books.
So if you're looking for an editor with experience with the current state of the query trenches, I have plenty!
Eva signed me (in a record-breaking 2 days!) for my childhood friends-to-lovers romantic comedy, The Love Algorithm, wherein a sex therapist and a statistician team up to find each other's true match and develop a dating app algorithm to predict lasting love.

Fun fact! This isn't Eva's first time reading my work...she read and loved Breathe the Sky when it came out, and that's why she recognized my name in her inbox and read my query right away!
I'm absolutely thrilled to be repped by two such whip smart, powerhouse agents, whose enthusiasm for books could power a small city. Can't wait to see where my books will go next, with this kind of team behind them!