Writing Coach

Athletes have coaches...
Why shouldn't writers?

I’ve always adored mentoring contests like Pitch Wars because they allow me to have a deeper, more ongoing relationship with my writers. It’s not simply an edit letter & then leaving the client on their own for everything that comes next.
Also, I know I get better results with my mentees in Pitch Wars because I continue to support them through the process of the revisions.
I’m there for them as a whole person, not just as a writer, and it shows in the final results. I’ve always longed for that same synergy in my life as a freelance editor, which is why I’ve opened a parallel practice as a writing coach.
1:1 Coaching for Your Writing Life
I want your writing to bring you joy.
It's as simple as that. So often, we're working in a void, and we only emerge after months or years of laboring alone. If you want to hire a professional to help, you already have to have a finished piece. But what if you need help to get to that finish line?
My ten years of experience working in psychology means I know how to deliver feedback in a positive, constructive fashion that leaves my clients feeling energized and proud of their work instead of terrified at the idea of revisions. I'm also a certified book coach! Many freelance editors only have a general degree in English Lit, or they are writers themselves but don't have training in editing. I'm a published author and have been through Author Accelerator's extensive training program, specifically learning to edit fiction manuscripts, as well as how to provide support and accountability to authors. In addition, I wrote Author Accelerator's masterclass on coaching romance writers.
I think the best editors aren't just the ones who can tell you how to "fix" your book – they're the ones who know how to get you to the emotional place where you can do your best writing. I want you to come away from our coaching with an increased sense of confidence, bravely writing the most "you" book you possibly can.
The days of writing alone are over, my friend. Let me come along to support you the whole way through.

"Hiring Michelle is like having your best friend as your beta reader. Not the best friend who will tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you that yes, those jeans really do make your butt look big and you should burn them immediately.
She dishes out considerable praise for your strengths so that by the time she points out the elements that aren't working, you know that you can fix those things. I have noticed a big difference in my writing since working with Michelle." -Lonna S, Adult Historical Romance
I need help with...writing
You have the dreaded writer's block!
You finally got published, and now you're struggling to write your second contracted book.
You can't quite get started on your novel. Or you have the starts to thirty novels and the finishes to...zero novels.
Includes: A mix of writing exercises, journaling prompts, routine changes, and consulting calls to figure out where you're getting stuck and to support you as you move forward. This can also include ongoing support and lessons on how to take your craft to the next level as you begin to write. I'm all about helping you re-find your love of writing, and making your writing a safe and happy place for you.
"The year we worked together was the most productive in my career. Every author should have Michelle on speed-dial!”
–Emily Colin, New York Times bestselling author and INDIES Award finalist
I need help with...revising
You have a book, and no idea where to start with revising it.
You've been revising forever, and there's no end in sight. How do you know when you're "done?"
You need encouragement and accountability to stay on track with revisions, or to finish by a deadline.
Includes: A manuscript edit, then ongoing support and additional feedback on your revisions. This is the package that is closest to a Pitch Wars mentorshop. We begin with evaluating your manuscript. Once you have your feedback in hand, we have a phone call and analyze your normal revision process. Together, we identify your strengths and weaknesses, and design a revision plan that will allow your strengths to flourish, while I step in to support and bolster your weaknesses.
From there, we'll have regular check-ins through phone and email, including delivery of pages as you progress. This works great for two reasons. First, it provides accountability and encouragement. It changes the whole experience of writing when you have someone else who knows your story and is eagerly waiting for your pages! Second, this way I can weigh in on how the revisions are working. This is a huge game changer. I consistently see clients get better results when they have not just an edit letter to work from, but feedback on the new version of the manuscript.
All my revision clients have agreed: having support through revisions helped them work faster, feel more motivated, and enjoy the process more.
Pricing: Varies according to level of support. Let's design something to fit your budget and needs!
I need help with...I JUST NEED HELP!
All the rejection of trying to get published is destroying you. You're THISCLOSE to chucking the old laptop through a window.
Your writing has plateaued. You want to get to the next level and keep learning and growing, but you're not sure how. Or you're bored and not sure how to rekindle your love of writing.
You have no idea what your writing process is, or how to replicate it when you're feeling uninspired.
Includes: A mix of writing exercises, journaling prompts, routine changes, and consulting calls to figure out where you're getting stuck and to support you as you move forward. This can also include ongoing support and lessons on how to take your craft to the next level as you begin to write. This is all about coming back to having fun with writing again, even if you're actively working on your craft at the same time.
Pricing: Less than the price of replacing your laptop, and the window you threw it through. $1499 for a 3-month season of writing coaching as you heal and rejuvenate, then grow and flourish in your new writing life.
Consultation Calls
$70 per hour. This can cover writing craft, writing process and dealing with writer's block, market trends, tips on querying, or anything else under my umbrella of expertise.

Let's Work Together
Contact me and we'll set up a free consultation to design your dream coaching scenario.