I'm writing from my post-retreat hangover, because I already miss the Highlights Retreat Center and all my new friends so much! Our first Romance Writers Meet-Cute retreat was a smashing success. The group bonded faster than I could have hoped (romance writers are the most fun, it is known), we shockingly got SO much writing done despite all the wine drinking and goofing off, the retreat center was Disney-perfect, and I don't think the dining room staff will ever recover from the snippets of our dinner conversation they overheard.
Some highlights from the retreat (all puns intended!):

When I say the retreat center was Disney-perfect, I mean sparkling sunshine, flawless porch-writing temps, a rocky little burbling stream, fluffy bunnies scampering across the grounds, and a Bambi-cosplaying baby deer that made at least three rounds around my cabin each day.
And did I mention the incredible food that we DID NOT HAVE TO COOK for ourselves?

We collectively wrote a total of 79,000 words in three days!
Basically an entire book that didn't exist before! Pretty impressive, considering several people were revising and couldn't count their productivity through word count. I was very busy leading sessions, teaching classes, and doing 1:1 book coaching with all participants, and I somehow STILL managed to write 10,000 words, on 3 different projects, in 3 different genres!
In addition to our planned classes and the lively discussion during our shared Book Club, there was also a spontaneous Scrivener session where all Scrivener devotees shared what features they used of the popular writing software, and how they organized their novels within it. I learned so much! We also had a masseuse come out on-site, and she turned out to be one of the most talented massage therapists I've ever had. What luck!

I think my favorite part of the retreat was the PEOPLE. We had so many very funny writers joining us, and there was wine and laughter every night after dinner.
In addition to making new friends, I was so delighted to finally get to meet in person two of my favorite writers anywhere--mentees I met in 2016 and 2018 PitchWars, as well as one of my coaching clients! There's something so magical about meeting in person when you've gotten to know someone over the years through emails and texts...

I'm definitely hoping to lead more retreats in the future, at Highlights Center or elsewhere. As someone who runs her own business, working from home in isolation, it was an unexpected delight to have a work wife for the week in the form of my amazing co-host, author Margaret Torres. I loved our morning walks through the forest, writing on our porch, and all of her brilliant additions to the retreat programming!
Have you ever done a writing retreat? What was your favorite part, or what would you recommend we include for our next Sanctuary Editorial Retreat?
What the retreaters had to say:
"It was pretty much perfect for me. I’m still enchanted by the entire event. Thank you one million for all the work you put into it."
"I liked all the things. The writing time, the company, the setting."
"I honestly thought it was perfect. The only thing I might change is having more time there!"
"It was the perfect atmosphere (of fellow writers, of seclusion, of an isolated cabin) to write."
"I thought both workshops were excellent, and I'm still endlessly amused by the book club chatter. All of it was inspiring. Made me want to not leave without having the next retreat in place."
"I. Loved. It. <3"