When you're writing a book, the only thing that matters is the opening. It's true! If you don't hook the reader there, everything you say afterwards might as well not exist. And it's not an easy task...there are so many important boxes to check in those first few pages, it can feel like trying to juggle too many balls at once. I've helped hundreds of authors streamline their opening pages, and in the process, I've figured out what really works...and how to make it easy! In this class, we design your next book's opening in only 3 phases: 1 - Where to Start 2 - Two Top Priorities for Ch 1 3 - Which Details Matter? I help you prioritize what to keep and cut. Then, I'll share some easy prose hacks that will make your book feel like a breeze to read! When you finish the program, you earn a bonus. I'll tell you about The Nuke: a dangerous, but powerful technique for hacking complex openings. This quick, 50-minute webinar could transform your whole career, as you learn to write openings that will hook agents and readers right from page one!
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