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Beyond the Query Letter: Mastering The Materials You Need for Query Manager

  • 8 Steps


Are you ready to land a literary agent? Now that Query Manager has become so popular, it's no longer enough to write a query letter! This program will help you nail ALL the materials you need to successfully query for an agent. 💫Hook your dream agent! 💫Learn how to query & get published! 💫Breakout tips to entice those agent requests... WHY ME As a freelance editor and a PitchWars, FicFest, and KissPitch mentor, I've read hundreds of queries, and am pleased to say 100% of my contest mentees have gone on to get agents, book deals, or both! I'm also a multi-published author who has queried three times herself. Those efforts garnered me multiple agent offers to choose from, and I'm currently signed to two agents at different agencies to rep the three genres I write. I've definitely put in my time in the query trenches! TIPS FROM AGENTS To create this course, I interviewed agents about the most common mistakes they saw coming through Query Manager, what they wish authors knew, and about how THEY would like us to be answering the questions they prompt on Query Manager. They also sent me screenshots from the agent side of Query Manager, so I'm able to provide you with a complete list of all the standard questions that can be added to a Query Manager form. I can also give you a peek at some of the information that agents collect about you through Query Manager (Hint: it's more than what you put into the form!) QUERY WITH CONFIDENCE! After this course, you'll know exactly how to write a query and synopsis that stands out. Even better, I prepare you in depth for how to answer the hardest questions Query Manager throws at you. After this, you will walk into Query Manager with confidence, knowing you have all your materials prepared and polished and you've given yourself the best possible chance at signing with an agent!

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